Carrd Extended

Curated directory of extensions, plugins, templates, and more for your Carrd websites.


Carrd Extended is a curated directory of tools, extensions, tutorials, and more (some free, some paid) for your Carrd websites and projects.

Carrd Extended was built by me (Hari) using Carrd and Airtable. I built this as a resource for other Carrd users that might be looking for ways to extend their Carrd websites.

Feel free to use the buttons below to connect/follow on Twitter or LinkedIn or drop me a line with your questions, thoughts, comments, suggestions, requests, etc via the contact form. I'll do my best to respond to emails in a timely manner. Use the submit button to submit extensions, templates, tutorials, etc that you don't see in the directory.


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Get in touch! If you have thoughts, comments, suggestions, requests, etc let me know. Will do my best to respond in a timely manner.

Thank you!

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